31 de Octubre de 2024. La calificadora de riesgo destacó que la primea vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Uruguay llevada a cabo el 27 de Octubre no produjo ningún ganador y los votantes rechazaron dos plebiscitos, incluido uno que habría revertido la reforma de la seguridad social. Moody´s mantuvo la proyección de déficit fiscal del 3,1% del PIB en 2024 y del 2,9% del PIB en 2025.
El perfil crediticio de Uruguay se sustenta en su sólida fortaleza institucional y en perspectivas de crecimiento más sólidas. El crecimiento económico en el período 2022-2024 superará el débil crecimiento del período 2015-2019. La mejora de los marcos de política fiscal y monetaria contribuye a la solidez de las políticas macroeconómicas y respalda el perfil crediticio soberano.
El perfil crediticio de Uruguay está basado en su robusta fortaleza institucional y en sólidas perspectivas de crecimiento. El crecimiento economico para 2022-24 superará el débil crecimiento registrado en 2015-19. La nueva institucionalidad fiscal y monetaria contribuyen a mejorar las políticas macroéconomicas y apuntalan el perfil crediticio soberano.
15 de marzo de 2024, la agencia Moody´s elevó la calificación crediticia de largo plazo de Uruguay a Baa1 desde Baa2, con perspectiva estable. Los principales factores de la mejora en la calficación inlcuyen la solidez institucional que apuntala la implementacion de reformas estructurales y el cumplimiento de los marcos de politica fiscal y monetaria. La agencia destacó la trayectoria de reducción de la inflacion, la estabilidad del cociente Deuda/PIB y los significativos flujos de inversiones extranjeras, como principales aspectos que apuntalan el crecimiento economico sostenido.
The key drivers of the rating decision were the strong institutions and governance delivered effective policy response to shocks, strengthening policy frameworks and providing track record of successful fiscal policy implementation. Also because of prospects of better growth performance and continued commitment to the fiscal rule will support a reduction of the government debt burden.
The credit profile of Uruguay reflects a strong institutional framework that reinforces political and social stability and makes the country an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI). Comparatively large fiscal reserves and external buffers, and very strong asset-liability management practices also support creditworthiness.
The credit profile of Uruguay is supported by its robust institutional strength. Economic growth in 2021-22 will exceed the weak growth in the 2015-19, allowing GDP to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2022. Prudent fiscal management is supporting the strengthening fiscal policy credibility.
The credit profile of Uruguay is supported by its high institutional strength. While Uruguay has relatively high income levels, growth was already weak in the years preceding the pandemic-induced recession in 2020. Consequently, debt metrics deteriorated in recent years. In the context of the pandemic, the government is implementing a reform agenda to address structural challenges.
10 de agosto de 2021. Moody´s ratifica en Baa2 las calificaciones de bonos en moneda local y extranjera del gobierno de Uruguay, manteniendo la perspectiva estable.
The credit profile of Uruguay is supported by its moderate economic and institutional strength. Uruguay has relatively high income levels and a growth potential of about 2.5%. Growth has been weak in recent years and we forecast a coronavirus-induced recession in 2020.
The credit profile of Uruguay reflects a strong institutional framework that reinforces political and social stability and makes the country an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI).
The credit profile of Uruguay (Baa2 stable) reflects a strong institutional framework that reinforces political and social stability and makes the country an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI).
6 de agosto 2019 - Moody's ratifica en Baa2 las calificaciones de bonos en moneda local y extranjera del gobierno de Uruguay manteniendo la perspectiva estable.
The credit profile of Uruguay is supported by moderate economic and fiscal strength. Uruguay has relatively high income levels and a growth potential of about 3%. Although growth rebounded to 2.7% in 2017 after two years of weak economic activity, we expect GDP to weaken in 2018-19.
The credit profile of Uruguay is supported by moderate economic strength, which is reflected by the country's relatively high income levels and growth potential of about 3% over the medium term. After two years of weak economic performance, we expect growth to rebound in 2017-18.
Uruguay's Baa2 sovereign rating is supported by a strong institutional framework that reinforces political and social stability and makes the country an attractive destination for FDI. The ongoing economic recovery will support the government's fiscal consolidation efforts.
13th July 2017 - Moody's changes outlook on Uruguay's Baa2 rating to stable from negative; rating affirmed.
Uruguay's Baa2 sovereign rating is supported by large fiscal reserves and external buffers, moderate central government debt burden and very strong liability management practices also support creditworthiness.
Uruguay's Baa2 sovereign rating is supported by a strong institutional framework that reinforces political and social stability and makes the country an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI).
Uruguay's sovereign rating of Baa3 carries a positive outlook to reflect a steady improvement in the government's credit profile that has led to a gradual convergence of its fiscal metrics with Baa peer medians, in addition to significant strengthening of the government's balance sheet and reduced vulnerabilities to regional shocks.
21 de Mayo 2015 - Moody's ratifica en Baa2 las calificaciones de bonos en moneda local y extranjera del gobierno de Uruguay manteniendo la perspectiva estable.
29 de Mayo 2015 - Moody's elevó calificación a Baa2; señaló que la decisión está asociada al fortalecimiento observado en el perfil crediticio del Uruguay, lo cual se pone de manifiesto al observar la convergencia que han reportado los indicadores fiscales y de deuda gubernamental del país con respecto a las medianas del grupo Baa.
Uruguay´s sovereign rating was upgraded to Baa3 from Ba1 in July 2012, with a positive outlook, to reflect a steady improvement in the government´s credit profile that has led to a gradual convergence of its fiscal metrics with Baa peer medians.
Uruguay´s sovereign ratings were upgraded to Ba1 last December to reflect steady improvement in debt and fiscal indicators, clear signs of policy continuity, and prospects for sustained economic growth in a context of macroeconomic stability
31 de Julio 2012 - Moody's subió las calificaciones de bonos en moneda local y extranjera del gobierno de Uruguay a Baa3 de Ba1. La perspectiva se mantiene positiva.
26 de Enero 2012. Moody's modificó de estable a positiva la perspectiva de la calificación Ba1 del gobierno de Uruguay.