Quarterly Reports July 2016

July 29th, 2016. Debt Management Unit has released its quarterly reports on Central Government Debt and on the Uruguayan economy.


• Uruguay successfully launched a dual-tranche reopening of its dollar-denominated bonds maturing in 2027 and 2050, issuing a total of USD1.147mn. The transaction was heavily oversubscribed and attained historically low interest rates.

• The government announced a new issuance calendar for Treasury notes in the domestic market for the period July 2016-December 2016.

• The government swapped part of the outstanding dollar-denominated loans with the World Bank into Japanese yens for an equivalent of USD500mn.

• Moody’s and S&P affirmed Uruguay’s credit rating one notch above investment grade; both rating agencies changed outlook from Stable to Negative.

• The Ministry of Economy and Finance implemented an oil hedging program with the World Bank, to help moderate the impact of significant oil price increases on the fiscal budget and the overall economy.

Debt Report 07/2016

Uruguay in Focus 07/2016



Sovereign Debt Management Unit

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uruguay
Colonia 1089 3rd Floor CP 11100 Montevideo - debtinfo@mef.gub.uy

Última Actualización: 27/02/2025