Medium Term Debt Management Strategy

The main objective of the debt management strategy is to cover the government's financing needs in a timely manner while minimizing the expected cost, maintaining sustainable levels of exposure to risk in the composition of the debt, pursuing a balanced risk matrix and a sustainable trajectory of the debt. The strategy takes into account the alternatives and costs of access to credit in the capital markets and through multilateral institutions, and must be consistent with the fiscal and financial program, as well as with the precautionary management of the government's liquidity. 

In addition to new financing, an important part of the debt management is the administration of financial obligations already contracted, taking into account the maturity profile and the composition by currency of the requirements of the General Treasury. To do this, it seeks to optimize the profile by currencies, terms and rates of the sovereign debt portfolio through liability management operations and synthetic debt conversions. 

Government debt management also seeks to promote the development of a deep and liquid secondary bond market, particularly in local currency, with yield curves that serve as a reference for access to financing for private corporate issues, public sector companies and infrastructure projects, among others.

Access the Medium Term Debt Management Strategy document, available in Spanish, here.


Sovereign Debt Management Unit

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uruguay
Colonia 1089 3rd Floor CP 11100 Montevideo -

Última Actualización: 27/02/2025