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Credit Ratings
Credit ratings are assigned to sovereigns and businesses by international credit rating agencies. A credit rating measures the relative risk that an entity (Government or company) will fail to meet its financial commitments, such as interest payments and repayment of principal, on a timely basis.
These relative risks are mapped into discrete rating notches that are expressed in terms of alphabetic identifiers. For example, from the most creditworthy to the least, Fitch and S&P use AAA, AA, A, BBB for investment grade long-term credit risk, and BB, B, CCC, CC, C, and D for non-investment grade long-term credit risk. The long-term foreign-currency rating is the most commonly used by investors and analysts. In the following table users can find the updated credit rating for long-term Uruguayan bonds.
Excel Table: Credit Rating Track Record
Agency | Long Term Foreign Currency | Long Term Local Currency | Outlook | Last Rating Update |
R&I | BBB+ | - | Stable | December 2023 |
Fitch Ratings | BBB | BBB | Stable | June 2024 |
S&P | BBB+ | BBB+ | Stable | April 2023 |
DBRS | BBB | BBB | Stable | November 2023 |
Moody´s | Baa1 | Baa1 | Stable | March 2024 |
HR Ratings* | A- | A- | Stable | October 2023 |
JCR Agency* | A- | A | Stable | November 2023 |
(*) Unsolicited.
Source: Credit Rating Agencies
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