Eligible securities' prices for wage-linked Treasury Notes Series 3 auction

August 27th, 2019. The Republic announces the prices to be paid for each of the eligible securities in today?s wage-linked Treasury Notes auction.

Series Currency Maturity Clean Price Accrued interest(*)
Serie 12 CPI-linked 03-07-2020  101.57100 2.01875
Serie 20 CPI-linked 04-30-2020  101.45100 1.14722
Serie 14 CPI-linked 06-10-2020  102.03200 0.86667

(*) Up to 08/28/2019


Sovereign Debt Management Unit

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uruguay
Colonia 1089 3rd Floor CP 11100 Montevideo - debtinfo@mef.gub.uy

Última Actualización: 27/02/2025